See how our location intelligence can be incorporated into your decision-making.
Getting a retailer interested in and visiting a smaller market like Montgomery, AL isn’t easy, but with Placer’s True Trade Area and competitive tracking we were able to prove the strength of our center and execute on our initiatives to upgrade The Shoppes at Eastchase.
Silver Diner had such specific concerns for us to address that we would not have been successful without Placer’s insights. Placer helped us demonstrate that a new location would fill a trade area void and be a win-win for both of us, making them confident to open at National Harbor.
If I can use Placer in its most simple form and sign leases with it, then that says a lot for the rest of the product, where I can utilize void analysis and more. But at its most simple form, if I can convince one little tenant to lease 1,500 feet, that’s a great thing.
As an economist, I spend a lot of time in various datasets, and I can tell you that Placer’s near real-time data is second to none.
After decades with no new development here in Fox Lake, Placer changed the game. We would not have won the development deals we did without its incredible data; it’s paid for itself thousands of times over.
With Placer, we market events more efficiently than ever before, see clear ways to better serve our residents, and have helped our partners land multiple grants to help put on the Christmas City event. Placer has been a wonderful asset to the Office of Tourism and our community partners.
There’s no guessing with Placer, just data, empowering them in situations where they would otherwise have no idea of potential impact to their cities or ways to mitigate it.
Without Placer we wouldn't be able to do what we're doing with the level of insights that we are now. It's absolutely incredible what we can do for our customers with Placer data as a guide.
I tell my customers all the time: there is no better way for a retailer to make high quality, informed decisions at scale than with There’s no tool, no GIS system that can tell you what Placer does; it’s true trade area gives us true apples to apples comparisons and helps us make decisions with confidence.
Placer is unbelievable. Being able to find the exact demographic we want to target, or learn what their interests are, makes our job so much easier. And we can prove that it works... a 75% drop in acquisition costs and record web traffic tells me our Placer insights were spot on for this campaign!