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Industry Trends

Gain insights into key foot traffic trends for industries across multiple geographies and time periods.
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Industry Trends Map
Year-Over-Year Visits by State
Discover how visitation has changed over time across a variety of industries and regions nationwide. Explore and compare year-over-year foot traffic trends for the industries and states that matter most to you.
Visit Trends by Industry
Year-Over-Year Change in Visits
Analyze year-over-year visit trends across industries from the past twelve months. Compare monthly and weekly visitation patterns of key categories and explore trends nationwide or by state.
Explore more industries on the Placer platform.
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Brand Dominance Map
Top Visited Chains by State
The Brand Dominance Map highlights the leading brands in each state for your selected industry. Discover the top-visited chain in every state and hover over a state to view its share of visits.
Brand Dominance Insights
Visit Share of Top Brands
Uncover the visit share of the top five brands in each industry, both regionally and nationwide. To drill down to other brands’ visit share and performance check out the Placer platform.
Year-Over-Year Change in Visits
Dive into the visit performance of top industry brands, uncovering insights at both regional and nationwide levels.
Visit Share of Top Brands
Uncover the visit share of the top five brands in each industry, both regionally and nationwide. To drill down to other brands’ visit share and performance check out the Placer platform.
Year-Over-Year Change in Visits
Dive into the visit performance of top industry brands, uncovering insights at both regional and nationwide levels.
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